Over the past few weeks we have heard from parishioner David Hutton who shared with us some of Pope Francis’ writings on community in his encyclical Fratelli Tutti. David wrote that Being in communion and community with one another in God is central to living and experiencing our faith. Last week Father Matthew shared the Carmelite call to living in community, practicing ways of welcome and hospitality for each person we encounter.
Coming together with one another and finding communion with Christ provides the central moment of the Carmelite spiritual life. A Carmelite Community must be open and welcoming, inviting to share with others the communion of hearts and the experience of God.
At all Masses this weekend, the Parish Advisory Council will be commissioned in its work to share in leadership of the parish and embracing community through (with your help):
- establishing priorities and directions while remaining faithful and responsive to the Mission Statement of the parish and the charism of the Carmelites, embodying these in action
- Engaging in discernment and ongoing dialogue with the parish community inviting input and valuing inclusivity and
- Remaining responsive to the needs of the parish community and adaptable in meeting them
As we begin our Lenten journey, a period of reflection and readiness prior to the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection at Easter, we invite you to recognise the ways in which we embrace opportunities to be community here at Mt. Carmel, the ways in which we individually and collectively enhance community at Mt Carmel and our readiness to make it “home” for those seeking to be part of it. In these challenging times which impact on our opportunities to gather as community there is much to ponder!
Jane Connolly on behalf of Parish Advisory Council