Welcoming Gabrielle to our Parish Team does raise for me the issue of our financial reality as Parish and Carmelite Community here at Mount Carmel. I have been reluctant to speak of finances, being very conscious of some parishioners facing loss of employment and loss of significant income during this COVID19 time.
The Carmelites are extremely grateful for the financial support parishioners have been able to continue in support of the parish and the Carmelites, especially through their direct debit pledges. The Carmelites are also very grateful for the gifts of meals and the occasional bottle of wine we have received, thank you. The fact remains that the income for the Carmelites has reduced significantly during this time.
I would be extremely grateful if anyone who is not currently involved in parish giving by direct debit, would consider doing so. Gabrielle can assist you with regard to making either a ‘one off’ gift or an ongoing financial contribution to the parish or the Carmelites. The Finance Council has for some time been planning for the discontinuation of planned giving envelopes and replacing them with direct debit and online transfers within the coming year. The current circumstances prompt the move to this way of supporting parish giving.
While all major parish projects have been put on hold to minimise expenses during this time there are still the ongoing running costs of the parish as well as the Carmelites who live and serve here. Your support of the Carmelites extends to supporting our Carmelite communites here in Australia and in Timor-Leste.
Thank you for the many ways you support our lives and ministry. You and your families are remembered by us in our daily prayer. May we continue to stay both well and safe.
In gratitude,
Fr. Wayne, Fr. Januario, Br. Donato and Br. Matthew