- What do you value about the community of Mt. Carmel?
- What do you value about involvement in Ministry?
- Can our ministries be improved to better build a community of service?
- Are there gaps in our ministry at Mt Carmel?
A summary of the feedback is provided.
The response to the first question was overwhelmingly positive with the charism of the Carmelites – their spirituality and presence laying the foundation for the sense of belonging so many commented upon. The community is seen and valued as one of inclusion, diversity and breadth which engages, and provides opportunity for faith development in a gentle, non-judgemental way. Connections between church and school are valued as are community events and opportunities to gather socially. The quality of the liturgies, the homilies and the music were all commented upon as highly valued aspects of the worshipping community of Mt. Carmel. The focus on Timor Leste which moves us beyond the local was also commented upon as was the intangible, the essence and “at homeness” many feel.
In terms of involvement in ministry responses focussed on connectedness – to community and to individuals. Ministry is seen as a way to use talents while meeting others and serving the community. Special mention was made of outreach ministries such as Carmel Care and St. Vincent de Paul. Involvement in ministry is a way to build community and genuinely share responsibility for what is OUR parish. Ministry provides opportunities at every age and stage of life and is a gift both to the parish and to self in nourishing our individual spirituality.
In reading of suggested improvements and identifying gaps in ministries, the advisory council discerned that most responses were along the themes of communication and connection – the glue that unites community. Ministry was seen as mission – a mission to welcome, encourage, open opportunities for all. Some practical considerations were suggested such as clarifying time commitment of ministries and looking at new ways of reconnecting. The Parish Advisory Council will continue to consider all suggestions in its planning.
Following the Ministry Sunday gathering we are now seeking to engage new faces and welcome back current faces to the ministry groups operating to create community here at Mt Carmel. Two interesting slogans were presented in the feedback – Rather than do more, Be More and there is Nothing about Us without Us. Taking this on board, at this stage there are no new ministry groups planned for the next twelve months, but we are very keen to encourage a greater participation in current ministries and warmly invite each of you to consider how you can contribute to the community we value so highly. With this mailing, a Ministry booklet and sign on sheet are attached. They are also available in hardcopy in the Church and online on the website.
As we move towards a Year of Service in 2023 we invite you to join us.