Mother God,
You are the great Creator.
You gave birth to the world and through love brought all things into being.
You are our mother who feeds us;
Our mother who comforts and consoles us;
Our mother who defends us;
Our mother who calms and cares for us.
Before you formed us in our mother’s womb, you chose us.
Before we were born you set us apart.
You have carved us in the palm of your hand.
Bless all women who bring life into the world.
Bless all women who cannot give birth.
Bless all women expecting the birth of their child.
Bless all women who mourn their unborn child.
Bless all women who love and care for their children.
Bless all women who share their love and care with others.
Bless all women who tend the needs of their families.
Bless all women who tend the needs of the world.
Bless all women supported by a partner.
Bless all women who parent alone.
Bless all women of integrity.
Bless all women who struggle with who they are.
Bless our mothers and our grandmothers.
Bless our teachers and our carers.
Bless the dads who also mother.
Bless the mums we never knew.
God, our Mother and our Father,
Look with favour on all those we call ‘mother’.
Bless them and keep them as they bless and keep us.
We make this prayer through Mary, who intercedes for us.
(As taken from Liturgy Help)